Nash Pratik Hotel Cointrin, Geneva
Big jump in the digital world for me with this project! I have been selected to decorate the hallways of the brain new Nash Hotel facing the Geneva Airport. A three stories small hotel created like an Art gallery with glass panels where one can see the 21 painting customised espacially for this venue.
Mme Colette Assamoah, responsable for the Nash Hotel building project and I met to make a selection among my animals artworks, which could be modified to fit the decoration space in the hallways of the stories. Each animal basically painted on a black background has been digitally modified, enlarged and printed on a thick fireproof PVC panel.
On the overall white, grey and blue color of the hotel walls and floor, the paintings are bringing a very happy and pop style to this unique concept hotel.
Three sculptures of my Cigarillas will be likely place on each storey when they will be finished.