Endangered Species
This series is a continuity to the Pop series. For this one I selected a few endangered animals which are all undergoing the men stupidity; either by killing them for stealing their beauty or destroying their habitat for fulfilling their need of mondialisation.
I wanted to bring some happy colors to contrast with their look and their posture, which depict the sadness of their future.
The panda is denouncing the deforestation, the tiger the fur business, the gorilla the doubt in the humanity, the elephant is holding his tusk safe, the polar bear is melting like the icebergs and the otter is just here praying for all his animal peers, wishing for an awareness above all.

"Pop Animals" series Acrylic painting on canvas 100cm x 100cm x 4cm

"Pop Animals" series Acrylic painting on canvas 100cm x 100cm x 4cm

"Pop Animals" series Acrylic painting on canvas 100cm x 100cm x 3cm

"Pop Animals" series Acrylic painting on canvas 100cm x 100cm x 3cm

"Pop Animals" series Acrylic painting on canvas 100cm x 100cm x 3cm

"Pop Animals" series Acrylic painting on canvas 100cm x 100cm x 3cm
comments under construction

Pop serie Acrylic painting on canvas 80cm x 80cm x 4cm

Pop serie Acrylic painting on canvas 80cm x 80cm x 4cm

Pop serie Acrylic painting on canvas 80cm x 80cm x 4cm

Pop serie Acrylic painting on canvas, 80cm x 80cm x 1cm

Pop serie Acrylic painting on canvas 60cm x 80cm x 1cm

Pop serie Acrylic painting on canvas 80cm x 60cm x 1cm

Pop serie Acrylic painting on canvas 80cm x 60cm x 1cm

Pop serie Acrylic painting on paper 70cm x 50cm

Pop serie Color pencils on paper

Pop serie Color pencils on paper